Finding a good web designer is actually harder than you may think. If you are looking for a person or a company to design a website for your company that probably means that you are not really an expert about the subject and that is ok! You just need to know what type of questions you need to ask before hiring a web designer for your company's website.
Make sure someone will be there for you
It is very easy for a web salesman to pitch about how great their customer service is. Unfortunately, this is not always true. On internet minutes matter. Imagine if Facebook or Youtube went offline for just 15 minutes. They would lose millions of dollars and probably be criticized for their unprofessionalism. I won't even talk about how much their Google ranking would be damaged. You may think that your website won't be as big as theirs so it doesn't matter if your website wasn't accessible for a day or two. wrong! If your website goes offline for any reason: malware, viruses, coding errors, hosting errors, domain expirations, SSL errors. You want someone to be there for you and address the problem right away! A good web design company should track their web analytics 24/7. That's what we do at Prismo! All our local clients in Knoxville, TN and our national accounts rely on us with their web design and digital advertisement needs.
Someone you can trust, perhaps a local small business
There are thousands of web designer in the United States alone! It is really tough to choose a good one. We advise you not to hire your friend's son just for this reason but connections matter! It is better to hire a good web designer who is going to spend 3 hours to design your website than hiring the best web designer in the world who is only going to spend minutes for your website. Why? Because a good website takes time to develop doesn't matter how good the web designer is. For that reason, you want someone who will dedicate himself/herself to build you the best website they are capable of. Following Google guidelines definitely the most effective way. Your new business website might look great but if it doesn't rank in Google search result it's all fanciness really won't matter. We always make sure your website has all the right SEO tags in it so it will reach its maximum capacity in search results. If you want your company to rank better in search results pick your new web developer wisely.
Simple is new black
People have been trying to develop "better" websites for years. We are at a point that we can almost do whatever we want but simplicity still wins. Well developed simple websites rank better in search results compare to oneS full with unnecessary javascript apps. Prismo Web Solutions try to avoid things that slows down your website and confuses your visitors. Consumers want to be able to just find what they are looking for in only few seconds. Only way to allow them reach their goal and maybe become your next client is allowing them to find what they are looking for.