You can tell a lot about your web designer just by the way he or she wants you to pay them. In this article we will give you tips and tricks on how to help you know more about your web designer.
There are two types of web designers: ones provide premium high quality websites and spend days only for one client and the other will design three to five websites a day. I already have a good idea about which category you would want to be in. If you are located In Knoxville, TN or anywhere in the nation give us a call.
Every and each website requires a certain amount of hours to complete. The most important part starts after designing the website. If you are looking for a website thats going to rank high for the keywords you want, you want your web designer to check in with the important meta SEO lines.
Your web designer is likely to copy most of your website from one of the websites he has designed before.
Yes, your web designer is probably going to charge you thousands of dollars for only for a couple of hours. The problem with this is that every single website gets outdated, so using a website that someone designed a couple years ago is not the best practice. SEO rules and guidelines change constantly so it is best to redesign and re code the website entirely.
Your web designer preferes to charge you a flat fee because that allows him to take less responsiblity and charges you again and again for small fixes in the future.
If your web designer wants to charge a flat fee, watch out. Only paying once for a website might sound like a better deal than monthly fees but this is a dangerous game. You want to give your web designer low monthly payments so he will be there for you anytime you need him.
Building a WordPress website is a lot easier than hand written html website.
In recent years most people with no degree or education claim to be web designers or web developers. Most of them only use free WordPress themes to design their websites. WordPress websites will never perform well or load fast compared to a pure HTML, CSS, or JavaScript websites. WordPress websites are also very easy to hack. It is better to stay away from web designers who use this content management system.
Designing a website is not too time consuming but coding and SEO work is.
If "designing" a website was only about designing the front end most graphic designers would be developing websites. The reality is very different. A good web designer spends most of his time developing a well structured back-end.
SEO is time consuming and there is no short cut.
If someone is promising you the first spot in Google in just a few months, stay away from them. Organic SEO is very time consuming and has to be executed professionally. There are no shortcuts or tricks. Every website has to follow Google guidelines and try to develop a better user experience.